Available transportation. If you fly into Fargo, I will personally pick you up and drop you off.
All food based on your preferences. This includes meals, snacks, and maybe even going out to eat plus a couple beers to celebrate because balance!
1:1 tailored ​training sessions every day. Whether your goal is to get stronger, burn fat, prepare for an endurance event, or simply be healthier, I will have the perfect workouts planned and ready to go.
Leave with a 12 week custom training plan specifically for your goals, lifestyle, and preferences.​
Coaching and exploration to determine your best approach to nutrition for your current phase of life.
​​Grocery shopping trip. We'll plan your meals, make a list, check it twice, and head to the grocery store. tips and picking up items for the meals you chose.
Leave with 3-5 days of prepped meals. This option is only available to those who drive.
Moving forward with confidence and clarity to conquer all of your health and fitness goals!
Payment plans available!
Payment plans available!
Group of 3-4
Payment plans available!
*Rates do not include airfare or Airbnb accommodation
Check Airbnb openings
View my Airbnb listing to search for available dates. Winter will be cheaper due to lower demand. Don't book until you complete the following steps.
Fill out application
This is where you'll provide me with all of your details including goals, meal preferences, biggest obstacles, and what you'd most like to accomplish.
Schedule a call
We'll go further in-depth on your application to ensure I create an itinerary most optimal for your preferred focus. Some individuals like to focus more on nutrition and some prefer focusing more on training.
Prepare for arrival date!
Once everything is confirmed you will book the Airbnb. I'll then create and send you your itinerary for the retreat along with some homework, so you can be fully prepared.